
Building bridges between man and machine

Dear reader,

Thank you for visiting this website. Ajospace is a brand for IT Services owned by Arley J Outar.

Ajospace delivers personalized services and products that directly address the needs of clients. We are living in amazing times and there is so much great, and sometimes free, software out there. Solutions providers get to build on this and deliver highly customized, sophisticated & realtime software solutions. Solutions that can deliver the right information to the right person at the right time, be it when an important item hits the lower stock limit, when you can timely avoid over buying or when your factory workers are slacking too much, the right solution will "know" you, your employees and your business and it will allow you to streamline work processes.

This is the AJOSPACE promise: that you, like every other client before you, will see interesting and sometimes revolutionary change in your company once you harnas the power of a system that can do anything you imagine.